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Royal Education

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502 6th Avenue NE

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan


High School


There are so many choices for students who wish to study abroad. There are many countries to choose from and many cities to consider and many educational programs to research. The vast majority of all these schools offer excellent education, facilities, and teachers. All these schools have a prescribed International curriculum or designated government curriculum.

So why should you choose A & L Royal Education High School in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada?

At A & L Royal Education High School we focus on helping students reach their full potential and succeed in their chosen career paths even after they graduate. All of out students are International Students. Our programs and our teachers are dedicated to the special needs of International Students. All students share this in common: All of our students are English as a Second Language Learners. Sometimes when students enter immersion programs in other schools they excel, but other times they struggle and find the international experience frustrating.

A & L Royal Education High School is small! We are not a large school and we never will be a large school. We are small enough that you will know all the students in the school and all the teachers and staff. Since we are a small school, students get to know their teachers and all teachers are certified, experienced, and go out of their way to help each and every student succeed.

Moose Jaw Saskatchewan is a small city! This is actually an advantage because students spend less time traveling to and from school. Students can quickly learn how to get around, where to shop, and where to attend indoor and outdoor activities. The people of Moose Jaw are friendly! And finally, Moose Jaw tends to be much more economically affordable than the big city!

Many of our teachers and staff have lived and worked overseas. They know the challenges of living in a different country with a different language and a different culture. A & L Royal Education will not only assist you with academics but we will assist you in learning Canadian culture. We will help you with personal problems. We will help you with housing. We will help you with most things to make sure your stay at A & L Royal Education High School is successful, warm, and memorable.


Students graduating from A & L Royal Education High School will receive a Saskatchewan High School Diploma. Graduating students may apply to any university, college, or post-secondary institution in Canada or abroad. University, college, and post-secondary entrance requirements vary from institution and from each program. Students must research carefully the course requirements, GPA (Grade %) requirements, and English requirements. We help all students with career counciling.


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In Saskatchewan, and all provinces in Canada, the educational program offers minimum high school graduation requirements. Usually the minimum number of credits is not sufficient for successful application for a university or college. A & L Royal Education High School encourages all students to take the maximum number of courses possible. All students at A & L Royal Education High School must meet with academic counsellors prior to every semester to discuss graduation requirements and their postsecondary education desires.

A & L Education High School plans their courses offered to students based on the feedback from parents and students, and advice from school academic counsellors. Other factors that influence course selection are the number of students and teacher availability and training.

Since A & L Education High School is an International School, we find that our students wish to enter university and college upon graduation. Therefore, we offer courses that permit students to follow two university streams; business and math/science.


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At A & L Royal Education High School these courses are selected to allow students to follow two streams for university study. These are a) math/science and b) business.

There are three categories in which students must obtain credits:
     • required courses of study which are compulsory courses intended to provide a general education
     • specified areas of study which are intended to allow students to continue to take courses of a general nature or to specialize in areas of individual interest
     • electives which allow for further choice and specialization based on individual needs and local priorities.


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The following chart outlines the credit policy for secondary education in Saskatchewan.

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Note: This lists the minimum requirements for graduations. Students desiring to attend university, college, or post-secondary institutes need to carefully study the entrance requirements for their chosen field of study. A & L Royal Education school councillors will assist and guide you in this process.

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A minimum of 24 credits, at least five of which shall be 30 level credits.


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To meet the credit requirements for graduation, students are required to take nine elective courses at the Secondary Level. These courses will include at least six courses at Grade 11 or 12. To fulfill elective credit requirements, students may choose courses from the Required Areas of Study, the Practical and Applied Arts, language courses, and locally-developed courses. In addition, students may acquire up to three credits for out-of-school personal learning initiatives.